5 resolutions that will help you have a better 2019

Now that we are already in February, the year started for sure! Everyone is renewed after a few days of vacation! And how are your New Year's resolutions? Around here, I already have my list and the main tip is: focus! And the best thing to understand what that focus is for the next few months is to realize what frustrated you last year. Thinking about it, here are five possible resolutions for you to have a much better 2019:

1. Take care of your body.

And no, here we are not talking about a diet x of the moment, but rather think of your body as a whole: how you deal with it, your diet, your sleep, your mind - which is super important and sometimes we forget - how you move ... All that is possible to improve so that you have that feeling of well-being that both sought and failed to prioritize last year.

2. How are your finances?

The start of the year is always hard on our finances, with several bills from the holidays that appear and make us already start January a little desperate. However, this is the time to get a notebook or worksheet, write down everything you need to pay, what you owe, what you will receive, and start planning your financial life month by month for this year. The resolution is that you have control over your money, not the other way around.

3. You are not your job.

I saw a lot of people talking about how 2018 was a busy year of work. And yes, that's good! It means that you are producing, putting your projects in the world and evolving as a professional, but you also have to understand that sometimes you need to have a little time for yourself. Work hard, but try to rest too. This is important so that you keep your head fresh and get to work even better.

4. How about learning something new? 

Still talking about work, a resolution that is always welcome is to have a hobby and learn new things. The world is very vast, full of knowledge and we are sure that you have some wills left over. It can be a cookery course, of mechanics, begin to draw, make pottery, dance, run, gardening ... Anything that goes beyond what you already know!

5. Be kinder to yourself.

I always like to emphasize this. because the way you treat yourself is what matters most in the end. Stop putting yourself down, sabotaging yourself and doubting your abilities. Support yourself as you would support your best friend!

Ready to put into practice? I gave you 5 tips, but of course, you can contribute more here in the comments telling me what your New Year's resolutions are. Happy (belated) 2019!
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