Many people find it difficult to be active in the morning. It seems that the person is already waking up feeling sleepy. It is someone who cannot talk much, takes more time to work, cannot do exercises ... Anyway, procrastinates during the whole of the morning and works better in the afternoon or at night.

The problem of not doing anything in the morning is to waste a lot of time and end up accumulating work for the night when it would be best to rest. As we all know this is very common, here are some tips for getting your body to wake up active:

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1.Sleep early and get up early

If you sleep too late and wake up too late you will feel your body more tired than normal. It seems that the more you sleep, the more you feel sleepy! How about trying to change that habit? Sleeping earlier and also waking up earlier improves the quality of your sleep and makes you have more time during the day to do your chores.
Working very late at night and early in the early hours can make your mind fall asleep already tired and with not enough time to rest, especially if you only sleep for a brief period. Try to leave your evenings to relax!

2.  Exercise in the morning

Doing exercises in the morning helps you wake the body and let it active to have rhythm throughout the rest of the day. If you do not go to the gym, you can go for a walk, run or even do some exercises at home.

3. Write down everything you need to do, preferably the day before

Writing things down on paper will help you to have a clear view of your day. Preferably, leave these notes in a prominent place. How to procrastinate in the morning knowing you need to do a lot of things during the day? It's best to get up early and get rid of all the tasks as soon as possible.

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4. Create a routine in the morning

Everything in life is a matter of habit and put all of them into a routine that is easy to follow help. Start thinking about the things you could do in the morning and little by little, create habits. Suddenly you will find that doing everything in this period in the most natural thing.

5. Start the day doing what you like best

What do you most love to do in the morning? Is having a super yummy breakfast? Is it spending time with your family? Take a shower? Do exercises? Think of this thing that gives you pleasure and does it! It is a way for you to start the day happier and more satisfied.

6. Eliminate easier tasks in the morning

If before noon is when your brain does not work very well, start doing tasks that do not require much of it in that period. Do you know the list that I talked about in tip 3? So, look at it and think about what you can do without too much effort. Leave things that require more concentration for the afternoon!

7. Wake up earlier gradually

Think about the time you would like to wake up, the time you usually wake up and how long you need to do your morning things. That way, get your body to wake up half an hour earlier each day. For example one day you wake up at 9am, the next at 8:30, the next at 8am. Until you accustom your body that the time he wants to wake up is at 7:30.

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Images: Pexels

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