Mindfulness: The movement that helps your mind to slow down

How many times a day do you find yourself with your head in the world of the moon? At a level where you cannot pay attention to what is happening there at the moment you are living? This is because we are living in this crazy rush of everyday life, sometimes thinking about the anxieties of the past or the anxieties of the future. There are even people who have their heads full of it all at the same time. Perhaps that is why so many people are looking for Mindfulness techniques . Don't you know this name? The technique seeks to work your attention in the present through meditation . It originated in Asia, has several scientific studies on the subject and, for some time now, many followers who want to free the mind of these thoughts that are not in the here and now. It sounds simple, and in a way it is, but the truth is that using Mindfulness techniques requires dedication . It's not something you do today and see the results for the rest of your life, you ...